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Album formats

The Enigmatic Allure of Box sets is a title.

The Enigmatic Allure of Box sets is a title.

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Album formats

The Art of Reissue Albums is a title.

The Art of Reissue Albums is a title.

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Album formats

The title is "Untold the Magic of limited edition albums: A Must-Have for Music Lovers."

The title is "Untold the Magic of limited edition albums: A Must-Have for Music Lovers."

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Album formats

The title is "Untold the Art of Album Packaging: A fusion of Creativity and Functionality".

The title is "Untold the Art of Album Packaging: A fusion of Creativity and Functionality".

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Album formats

The Art Behind the Album Artwork: AVisual Journey through Music is the title.

The Art Behind the Album Artwork: AVisual Journey through Music is the title.

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Album formats

Everything you need to know about the WAV format is contained in this book.

Everything you need to know about the WAV format is contained in this book.

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Album formats

The Audiophile's Choice is the ultimate guide to FLAC.

The Audiophile's Choice is the ultimate guide to FLAC.

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Album formats

Everything you need to know about the mp3 format

Everything you need to know about the mp3 format

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